
New Pictures

Claremont Depot, originally uploaded by termeern.

Check them out... They were just on a random walk around Claremont...

Final days at home. The 5 days until back in Boston...

2008 American Architecture Awards

I was looking at this article, and I thought that you would want to peek at it also... 

It's amazing. The things that people are coming up with. 

I came up with the conclusion that my goal in life is to win the Pritzker Prize

Anyways, take a look at the 2008 American Architecture Awards. They are pretty amazing. 


Real Green Architecture

So I was reading this article this morning, and I was so inspired to create some better source of green architecture. I also thought how much you must know about ecology to be able to construct and design a building like this. 

This article was an interview with William McDonough, the architect of the Ford Motor Company complex in Dearborn, Michigan which is known for it's create way to store rain water and cool and heat the space naturally. 

McDonough is known for his "cradle to cradle" design. "Cradle to Cradle is a protocol I've developed with a German chemist, Michael Braungart. We characterize things as either being part of nature—biological nutrients—or being part of technology , which we call technical nutrients. We look at the world through these two lenses and we say, let the things that are designed to go back to soil, like textiles and clothing, be designed in order to be returned safely to soil, to restore it. But the cars and the computers … [should be] designed to go back into closed cycles for technology."

It's quite amazing to see a man who sees "green architecture" and takes it to the most literal state. By taking it so literal, he actually puts greenery and vegetation on his structures. The above image is a concept model of McDonough's, which shows plants growing on some sort of structure. He shows that the building doesn't need to be a negative space, but more of a "living structure".

His concept of "touching the earth lightly" reminds me very much so of the works of Glenn Murcutt, and his approach to a structure. I think that one of the major differences between the two is that Murcutt can achieve this on a smaller scale and a way more literal state. I once heard that only one of Murcutts homes has an air conditioning unit, which was put in by the home owner, and was used once: the day of installment to test the unit. Murcutt's approach isn't to replace the green on which the structure is on, but to preserve the land as if his structure were not even there. 

All this to be said that it made me think about more green architecture, and how I can make a change in both architecture and the world. 

Remember: buildings release more carbon emissions into the air than anything else. Let's change that. 






MoMA: One Color, and Different Shades of Grey

MoMA, originally uploaded by termeern.

I saw this a while ago in New York City, and I just stumbled across this picture. This was one of the most amazing things I had seen. These lights completely eliminated and sort of color on anything. Colors were completely dissipated by these lights. It was absolutely amazing.

And... I uploaded some new pictures. Some new, some old. Check them out!


IwamotoScott Architecture: SCI-Arc

So, this is something that I really wanted to go to, but unfortunately I am not going to be able to make it as I am going to be in Lake Arrowhead, CA for my sister's wedding. 

This is a complete paper-wood structure built but IwamaotoScott Architecture which is based in San Francisco. They really did a great job in creating this cloud like form that just fills this room. I love how these images portray that this structure would be ongoing if it weren't for the walls. I love how this room seems as though it is cutting, and showing us just a segment of this huge cloud structure. It is quite amazing to see something like this.


Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to make it to the opening ceremonies and lecture, but I am definitely going to make my way to one of my favorite places in Los Angeles, SCI-Arc to see this. There will be more of my own pictures to come.

P.S. Can someone please go to the lecture and take notes???? Thanks! 


nicholas john ter meer

My photo
Boston, MA, United States
I am from southern California, but for now I live and go to school in Boston, MA where I study architecture at one of the finest institutions that our country has to offer (www.wit.edu/arch).