
A Man Worth Talking To: Rem Koolhaas

So I read this article eariler this week, and I thought nothing but great things about him. For those of you who don't know, Rem Koolhaas is one is the most famous architects of our time. He has built some amazing structures and the thing that I love the most about him, is that he is completely modest, down to earth and is very confident about his words. 
Rem Koolhaas is great. His work is great, and you can see why it is great by the way that he talks about himself and his work. When asked about Star Architects, and how is name is mentioned in this category, he says that his work isn't different from some other work that other smaller architects have produced. His work isn't much different. This is good, but almost too modest... He is great, and I have even more respect for him and his work now. 

Every question that was posed to Rem was answered with great confidence and in full detail. Check it out. 


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Boston, MA, United States
I am from southern California, but for now I live and go to school in Boston, MA where I study architecture at one of the finest institutions that our country has to offer (www.wit.edu/arch).