
A Personal Experience

The other day, I went to my aunt Karen’s house. My aunt Karen has to be the sweetest lady in the world. She is so kind and so generous in every way. She is a great woman and always loving. Anyways, over the past few years, we have bonded through art and décor. Four years ago she purchased a house up the street from us and now, after all the hard work and fun, I believe that her house is finally where she wants it to be.


Every wall holds a picture that has a wonderful story behind it. Every picture is so personal to her and it has a place in her heart and now in her house. This house has been in the making for the past four years, collecting artwork, sculptures, and all sorts of décor to fit her personality as well as her home’s.


Thinking architecturally and in the art perspective, it makes me think of the reality that every wall, every aspect of a building is personal, and in an experience. There should be a story and reason for every execution. The personal experience that Aunt Karen makes in her house hold in one that makes the environment feel like home and you can sense the pride that she feels in her home. Every part of architecture should have personal, emotion, and meaningful reasoning. 


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Boston, MA, United States
I am from southern California, but for now I live and go to school in Boston, MA where I study architecture at one of the finest institutions that our country has to offer (www.wit.edu/arch).