
The Difference In Experiences

The truth is: I don't know how my brother survived for 4 years in this environment. Seen in both the images above, the Boston skyline and the Allegheny skyline(click to enlarge. recommended). The view from my brother's porch is much different from what I am used to. It's quite incredible to think about how different our college experiences are. My experience of living and going to school in Boston compared to his experience of living in St. Bonaventure, New York (about an hour and ½ south of Buffalo). My brother was telling me about some of the things that he was used to and we were doing some comparisons, and they were so much different it isn't even funny. He told me that he had never pulled an all-nighter, where I average 7 a semester. His idea of shopping was Wal-Mart, while I have Marc Jacobs, Burberry and Louis Vuitton within walking distance. He worked on campus making phone calls, and I work at Starbucks on one of the busiest streets in Boston. He walks into Bonnie basketball games for free while I wait in line to purchase tickets to a Red Sox game. So many differences in preferences, but we are from the same blood. He loved it. I don't doubt that at all 


He said that he enjoyed the "Bona Bubble", as they called it. "They stick a group of students in the middle of nowhere, and make them get along" as described by my brother. It makes sense to me, but it seems a little masochistic to me. I don’t know why some would put themselves through the clickiness of a small school like that in the middle of nowhere.


As I attended his graduation, he got emotional thinking of his last times walking the pathways, and streets of his former home. That was his home for four years. Four years of his life was spent walking the same streets, through snow and sun. Those streets were his streets. Although it was in the middle of nowhere, New York, he loved it. It makes me think if I will feel that way. Did the solitude bring Unity to the campus? Did that bring Pride? Will I have Pride? 


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Boston, MA, United States
I am from southern California, but for now I live and go to school in Boston, MA where I study architecture at one of the finest institutions that our country has to offer (www.wit.edu/arch).