

Lightline, originally uploaded by termeern.

So, Today, I was looking through my photos and I came across this one.

This was taken nearly 5 years ago, and I must say that it was this photograph that inspired me to get more into photography. I took this not knowing exactly what I was doing, but just being experimental. I was 15 years old, messing with a point and shoot Konica Minolta.

This was taken as I was volunteering at YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Tijuana, Mexico where I was a counselor and a part of the worship band. I actually took this on a day trip to Coronado Island while waiting for the driver to get gas in the van. As a tripod, I used the sill of the window in the van, rolled down the window and took this. There was no Photoshop used to enhance the image, but I do think that it was an amazing photo, and one worthy of being noted as the photo that inspired me to become the best artist possible.

This photograph was actually published in a photography quarterly magazine under the category "use of lines".

I think that this is a great composition that I just stumbled across because of the bright colors, use of horizontal lines, the "ghost" of the car, the diagonal lines off to the right, and the depth of the telephone poles and sense of a horizon.

This is me saying how I am in awe of how the amateur, young and naive artist in me, still inspires the thought and urge for me to become ever better to try to accomplish this same thing.


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nicholas john ter meer

My photo
Boston, MA, United States
I am from southern California, but for now I live and go to school in Boston, MA where I study architecture at one of the finest institutions that our country has to offer (www.wit.edu/arch).